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Latest Blog Posts
Release Update: More Usability for SecurePIM
It’s time for the end-of-year sprint! We’ve put a lot of effort into the last release of 2024 and have a whole range of new features for you. Download the latest versions of SecurePIM and the SecurePIM Management Portal from the Apple App Store, Google Play or the Infohub and take a look at what we’ve improved this time.
Release Update: Create, Edit and Delete Shared Contacts
Can you believe it: Autumn is just around the corner. And with it comes our September release.
Download the latest versions of SecurePIM and the SecurePIM Management Portal from the Apple App Store, Google Play or the Infohub and take a look at what we’ve improved this time.
Release Update: Shared contacts and public folder contacts
Summer, sun and SecurePIM! The latest versions of SecurePIM and the SecurePIM Management Portal are waiting for you with some refreshing new features in the Apple App Store, Google Play and the Infohub! Take a look right now.
Stay in touch!
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