Safe mobile communication for enterprises
An easy and straightforward solution for protecting mobile communication and company date against
industrial espionage, GDPR violations and other mobile threats.
Safe mobile communication for enterprises
An easy and straightforward solution for protecting mobile communication and company date against industrial espionage, GDPR violations and other mobile threats.
Find the right solution for your needs.
What sort of company do you work for?
Find the right solution for your needs. What sort of company do you work for?

How companies who operate critical infrastructures can protect their mobile communication
Reliability and security are of the essence for critical infrastructures – and secure mobile communication plays a big role in this context. On the one hand, smartphones and tablets must comply with comprehensive security requirements, but at the same time, employees need to be able to use mobile apps quickly and intuitively. Because a solution can only work reliably if people are happy to use it, and if it is used regularly.
SecurePIM is as secure as it is user-friendly – so employees no longer have any excuse to fall back on unreliable alternatives such as WhatsApp. As a result, data and communication is protected, and colleagues can collaborate wherever and whenever they like.
How you benefit with SecurePIM Enterprise
- Email, messenger, phone calls and more on smartphones and tablets: all safe and sound in a single app
- Secure, even on privately owned mobile devices: strictly divides work data from private data – 100% GDPR compliant
- Less hassle, lower costs, more flexibility: Cross-platform solution for iOS and Android
Case Study “Allianz Suisse”
Read more about mobile work with smartphones and tablets without compromising security or compliance at Allianz Suisse.
Working remotely in line with the GDPR
SecurePIM: a GDPR-compliant solution for working on smartphones and tablets.
Webinar “Chat or E-Mail? Fast and
secure mobile communication”
Get an overview over the SecureCOM Messenger use cases and functionalities. Our experts offer live demonstrations and answer your questions. (German only)

Any time, anywhere: Safe mobile communication for the public sector
Communicating with colleagues efficiently is an extremely important aspect of work for the public sector. Many employees in public utilities, for example, spend a considerable amount of time working outside of the office, but they still need access to the administrative network. In many cases, the mobile IT infrastructure is heterogenous and data needs a high level of protection.
SecurePIM covers all important bases – email, messenger and professional intranet applications – in a single app. By using SecurePIM on all devices, including privately owned mobile devices, you can comply with GDPR requirements and avoid the risk of high fines.
How you benefit with SecurePIM Enterprise
- Email, messenger, phone calls and more on smartphones and tablets: all safe and sound in a single app
- Secure, even on privately owned mobile devices: strictly divides work data from private data – 100% GDPR compliant
- Saves investment costs and increases employee motivation levels: Safely using a private device for work purposes (Bring Your Own Device – BYOD)
Test report “SecurePIM & Messenger
in IT Administrator Magazine”
Maintain a comprehensive overview via the management console and use of the messenger module. (German only)
Blog post “How Social Engineering and BYOD Endanger Your Company”
This article tells you all you need to know about social engineering, phishing and how you can better protect yourself and your employees.
Case Study “Fraunhofer IOSB”
In 2018, the research institute decided to use SecurePIM – as a single solution for multiple mobile strategies. (German only)

Working remotely – but securely: Protect your company data against mobile threats
Your company data is your biggest company asset. Nowadays, internal and external employees are sharing more and more company data via mobile devices. However, smartphones and tablets are increasingly at risk from threats such as insecure internet connections, malware attacks, theft and loss. In addition, companies must comply not only with the strict requirements of the GDPR, but also with other laws and guidelines such as TISAX® or the Protection of Classified Information Act.
There is no default setting for making mobile communication secure because every situation is different – e.g. mixed operating systems, legacy mail servers, simultaneous use of BYOD and COPE policies. That’s why SecurePIM has been designed to adapt flexibly to different scenarios. Trust the market leader for mobile communication for iOS and Android.
How you benefit with SecurePIM Enterprise
- Email, messenger, phone calls and more on smartphones and tablets: all safe and sound in a single app!
- Secure, even on privately owned mobile devices: strictly divides work data from private data – 100% GDPR compliant
- Saves investment costs and increases employee motivation levels: Safely using a private device for work purposes (Bring Your Own Device – BYOD)
- Less hassle, lower costs, more flexibility: Cross-platform solution for iOS and Android
Case Study “Steiff – Knopf im Ohr”
Read more about how Margarete Steiff GmbH optimizes its global communications and makes sales more flexible with SecurePIM.
Read more about the future of mobile working in the container technology white paper. (German only)
Webinar “BYOD – Permit or Prohibit”
Learn how to make employees, IT admins and finance happy with a Bring Your Own Device model. (German only)

„VS-NfD“ for iOS and Android: Secure mobile communication for companies holding restricted information
Companies holding restricted information (‘sicherheitsbetreute Unternehmen’), e. g. the arms and defense industry, must ensure compliance with the strict and regularly audited guidelines, when processing information that is classified as ‘VS-NfD’ (Verschlusssache – Nur für den Dienstgebrauch i. e. classified information, restricted for official use only) or as ‘NATO RESTRICTED’. This is also true for data on smartphones and tablets.
SecurePIM Government SDS is the only cross-platform and device-independent solution that has been given approval (iOS) or pre-approval (Android) respectively by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). This ensures compliance with ‘VS-NfD’ and confidentiality (‘Geheimnisschutz’) guidelines for employees communicating on smartphones and tablets. It is implemented faster, than self-developed solutions and generally individual needs concerning network infrastructure, PKI, smartcards etc. can be met. SecurePIM Government SDS is used by over 50 German federal authorities and security assisted companies (April 2021). Trust the market leader for mobile communication for iOS and Android.
How you benefit with SecurePIM Government SDS
- Enables employees to work safely on mobile devices when handling VS-NfD or NATO RESTRICTED classified information.
- Less hassle, lower costs, more flexibility: VS-NfD cross-platform and device-independent solution for iOS and Android
- Easy implementation: ONE secure, company-wide solution for every employee – for ‘VS-NfD’ or lower security levels
- Out-of-the-box GDPR compliant: work data is strictly divided from private data
- All functionalities secured in a single app: email, phone calls, messaging, calendar, editing documents and a browser for professional applications, camera and more
Case Study “Oberste Bundesbehörde”
One of Germany’s governmental institutions is using SecurePIM Government SDS. Read more in our Case Study. (German only)
Whitepaper “BYOD – Legal Aspects”
General information on the legal aspects you need to consider when introducing a BYOD system. (German only)
BSI grants approval for classification level NATO RESTRICTED
SecurePIM Government SDS is granted approval for NATO RESTRICTED security classification.
Contact us now
Do you have any questions about SecurePIM or SecureCOM? Or would you like to test SecurePIM in a live environment? We’ll contact you as soon as possible by telephone or email.